Design Flows

Also known as Call for Papers (CFP), Call for Speakers, Artist Submission, and Nomination Management.


You can run unlimited Submission Flows per event!


Learn how to add branding to your Submission Flows

Form Designer

Learn how to add questions to your Submission Flows

Submissions and Labels

Learn how to use labels to add super powers to your Submission Flows

Submission Stages

Learn how to configure the stages a submission moves though

Can I print out a copy of the cfp?

You can print the submitter’s screen, it should print just fine.

Can I copy a flow, or do I have to set up each submission flow individually?

To copy a Submission Flow within an event browse to ‘Submission Flows’ and click the copy icon to the right of the name of the Flow you want to copy.

To copy a CFP from one event to another see this guide.