
What is a team?

In Lineup Ninja, a team consists of a group of people who work on events together: it may correspond to a single business that runs events, or it could be business divisions. Teams can have many events and a number of roles associated with them. Every team must have at least one team Admin.

How do I add team members?

To add new team members, navigate to your team where you will see the Team Members table.

Click  to add a new team member. You will need to select a role from​​​​ these options


There is no limit to the number of team members you can add to one team.

How do I manage my team members’ permissions?

To manage existing team member permissions, navigate to your team where you will see the Team Members table.

Click  next to the team member you wish to edit.

Here, you can review their role and permissions across all events within the team.

How many teams can I be in?

There is no limit to the number of teams you can be a member of.

How many teams can I manage?

There is no limit to the number of teams you can manage, however one license covers one team only.

How do I change my team name?

  1. Navigate to your team homepage
  2. Click next to the team name to edit it

How many events can one team have?

There is no limit to the number of events a team can have.

Next: Team Roles

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Email and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.​​​​​